Jonas Brothers: Waiting Until Marriage??

The Jonas Brothers have made a vow to abstain from sex until marriage. They each wear purity rings as "promises to ourselves and to God that we'll stay pure till marriage.", Joe told Details magazine.
Nick says that the rings are, "just one of our ways of kind of like being different than everybody else out there." He also added, "I got mine made at Disney World. It's pretty awesome."
Kevin (who is the oldest), got his ring from Tiffany's. He says, " It's pretty rock and roll. It's getting banged up a little bit because of the guitar."
Nick also said, "that screaming girls are awesome," but he also insists that "we always kind of stand for being a role model and trying to make a difference, and I think this is just one of our ways of kind of like being different than everybody else out there."
This issue of Details magazine comes out in March.

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